Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Swing a Golf Club by Putting

The golf swing is a complex athletic movement that incorporates all of the major muscle groups at one point or another. It starts with a simple weight shift and turning of the hips and shoulders, while lifting and rotating the arms in the back swing. From their, the golfer is required to transfer the energy stored up in a proper back swing by moving the body in a proper sequence so that this energy can be transferred from the body, through the golf club and into the ball at precisely the

Another tip for fixing your game is getting the ball located correctly in your stance for each club. The longer the club, the farther forward the ball should be. With the driver, the ball should be on the inside step of your left foot. As you use shorter clubs, the ball must be marginally further back. When using a wedge the ball should be in the centre of your stance.

Then you will be gripping the club in the right way without even thinking about it. However, it is only the start. People see more aspects to the swing than just gripping. But by getting the first principles right and practice and practice golf grips over and over, you will improve the style and handicap of your hobby like a top professional.

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With this in mind, it is pointless to try to teach most beginners how to swing a golf club by putting that club in their hands first. They need to learn how to move the body properly. This starts simply with learning how to shift the weight, then we add a hip turn, shoulder turn, etc. This deals with the back swing. From there, the student must learn the proper sequence and movement of the downswing, and then the follow through.

Additional flexibility that you will get out of a golf fitness training program will enable you to remain injury free for longer and also help you to maintain a full swing for many more years to come.

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